Easy First-Time Every-Time Barcode Scanning
Zebra’s advanced scanning technology and PRZM Intelligent Imaging deliver lightning fast 1D/2D barcode capture — regardless of condition. Point-and- shoot simplicity eliminates the need to align the barcode and the PS20. With hands-free scanning, your customers can place the PS20 in the cart holders you use today and automatically scan items as they are placed in the cart — there’s no need to hold the device. Support for electronic barcodes allows shoppers to easily scan coupons and loyalty cards stored on mobile phones. And support for virtually all types of barcodes, including Digimarc, ensures that your customers can scan the barcodes you use in your store today and tomorrow.
PowerPrecision+ Battery for Dependable Power — Only from Zebra
Get longer cycle times with a new higher capacity battery. Just 15 minutes of charging provides enough power for 45 minutes of shopping. And a wealth of battery metrics, including advanced state of health and state of charge, enables better battery management.
Support for the Latest WiFi Enhancement Improves WiFi Range and Speed — With Less Power
Provide your users with faster and more reliable WiFi connections with 2x2 Multiple-User Multiple Input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) technology. Your access points can now communicate with multiple devices simultaneously via pinpoint beamforming, boosting WiFi network capacity, speed and range. And processing is shifted from the mobile device to the access point, extending battery cycle time.